Friday, October 05, 2007

Is it black or is it brown?

Here I have been thinking this little beauty was black all this time. Until I actually started working with it. In real life it looks just as black as it does in this picture. Ok so maybe it was a case of poor lighting in combination with poor eye site, but until I started knitting in some good lighting, I would have sworn it was black yarn!! Good thing my new glasses will be in soon, the Optometrist was not impressed with the pair I have been wearing for the past several years. I believe he mentioned something about a garbage can.

I tried to take several pictures that depict the true color, but as with most things, there is no justice in the photograph.

I am still in awe of the beauty of nature and the variety of colors of these lovely animals.

Some progress made. Yes I have been working on this piece, but I have frogged more than I would have liked. I should have had this one finished by now, darn that job of mine for getting in the way of knitting! Darker colors do not show off the stitch pattern as nicely as with the lighter color yarns. This is the fourth pattern stitch I have tried this week. So I rip it, rip it, rip it until I get it right. I am liking the look of this one.
Alpaca Barb's alpaca show is looming up fast (no pun intended)! I so want to have this wall hanging on display for her (ok, and for me too, yes, I am vain enough or I would not be here in the first place). Nothing wrong in wanting people to ooh and ahh over something we have made, right? It makes all the frogging we do well worth it!

(Carbon Copy- pattern stitch - waving rib)

This picture shows the beautiful rich brown of the yarn so much better, try to ignore the little fuzzy stuck to it, I promise not to have that in the completed shot. This is my last square to complete, the alpaca's names have to be added. I still have not decided how the layout will go.

I have been pretty much flying by the seat of my pants for this whole project.

1 comment:

Charlie Chuckles said...

Looking good!!

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