CA Dawn told me I need to explain what I am doing. Said it looked like I was knitting with my hair...LOL I guess she is right.
It did look like I was knitting with my hair.
So here we go - Not that I have ever done this before and I really don't know what I am doing yet, but Google is a wonderful tool isn't it. I have been wanting to try a pair of thrummed mittens for a while, the frigid cold this week prompted me into a little impulse shopping of some Wool of the Andes to make it happen.
I already had some roving from a spindle kit I had purchased a couple of years ago. (not so good at the spinning thing)- See Dawn...roving :)
They are knitted in every 4th stitch in this case. I have had to pull the thrums out several times and start over before I finally got the hang of knitting in the roving pieces. I am sure that by the time I'm on mitten number 2 it will look a lot better than this one does.
And since this pair is for me they don't have to be perfect or even pretty. The next pair are for a gift -but that's only if this pair turn out acceptable...LOL

Now back to knitting with my hair ;)