Friday, August 22, 2008

Ravelympics Day...OMG it's almost over!

I made it across the finish line with my Tribbles! Yea!! (hearing the crowd roar in my head)

And...Since the event sign up was re-opened, my orange ballband dish cloth counted as a Ravelympic F/O so I was allowed to post it on the finish line. ;)

Well folks... this is my progress on the Vertigo. Not so very damn far in the Scarf Stroke. I am thinking I may not make it since it needs to be posted by Sunday at 10:59 am
I worked on this beast until 2 am and I am guessing I am about half way there.  I knitted and watched SG1 last night until I could no longer focus. I think at this point I am probably making up my own pattern. Rows 5 and 7 have been my nemisis! Oh Yeea...I can see the difference. 
Oh well... Next time I pick a slip stich pattern I am going to actually look at the chart first to see if my mind can comprehend it.

Brodie as been an absolutely terrific mascot during this event!! Just look at how he has helped his momma out.
Pretty much all I have is today to work on my scarf. In between doing laundry  of course and walking Brodie the dozen times a day he insists upon. Right now the landscapers ( I and I use this term loosely- more like lawn mower man) are out side and Brodie seems to think he needs to supervise and is now working my nerve by running from window to window whining. 

Tomorrow my day starts before any normal human would get up, so I can be at work bright and early to assist with the Police Officer testing. After that it is off to Stitches Midwest for a fun filled day of yarn shopping and yarn oogling. 
I am pretty sure I will be toast come evening, but I am going to stay up and work on that scarf until my eyes bleed... and hopefully cross the finish line with it.

Here is Mr. Crazy Ma nwith his favorite to his favorite bed (that he no longer fits in but insists on using.)

Usually pictures of Brodie turn out like this! I need a really high tech camera to keep up with him.
Note to self: Follow the Sheltie Diet for effective weight loss... Grab one piece of food... Run from kitchen to living room and eat. Run around livingroom, pounce on a toy and shake it to death... Run back to kitchen and grab another piece of food. Repeat until dish is 3/4 empty. 


Dawn said...

Brodie is such a sweet puppy! I'll have to try his diet too! Aren't there habits funny? My shepherd mix thinks she's a chihuahua and tries to sleep on a little bed and my chihuahua hogs big beds! My chihuahua has a "special" toy, her frog, not that it looks like a frog anymore because I've had to sew it up so many times..its a two legged one eyed frog now!:)

Love that rocking chair in the pic! I still haven't made those tribbles yet! That scarf looks so dang hard...makes my eyes cross! So much work into something like proud of you, you've gotten so much done!

Just took a bite of grahm cracker so gotta go run around my couch!:)

NatRed2 said...

Thank you Dawn...that scarf is hard.. and makes my eyes crosst too!

I actually hav two of those chairs, my other one got broken a few years ago and I found the mate to it on Ebay... my little antique indulgement ;)

I think little dogs don't know they are little. Same with big dogs, Bingo liked to lay on the back of the couch, and sit on my lap...all 95 pounds of him. Crazy dogs.

kathy b said...

More Brodie! He is adorable. I may have to try the Brodie diet...

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