Monday, August 25, 2008

Ravelympics - The Thrill of Victory...


Yes that is right.... I did not make it across the finish line with my Vertigo scarf. If I had a month of Sundays I don't think I could have made it. This was most definitely a "What the hell were you thinking" project!

I did get to post it is the "Almost made it " thread. Hmmmm I wonder what Bobicus is going to give for the Booby Prize.

Here it is...still a long way from being finished. I think a worsted weight yarn would have been a much better choice.

Saturday was the Power Test for our PD. So I was up bright and early to be at work for this. Sgt Junior and I conducted the 1.5 mile run for the applicants. Usually it is the run and the sit up that knock people out of the running. We lost two people during sit-ups but every one of those prospectives were animals on the track! Most came in well above their allowed times. Several came in at just over 10 min. and one even ran it in 9.06. Amazing!! (they had 13.46 min to run it in.)

Thanks to all those quick runners, I was out of there by 10:30 and ready for a day at Stitches Midwest. Kelpy and I trucked our behinds to Schaumburg to the bright and shiny new
Renaissance Convention Center where we found these little goodies. Kel found this little gem for Brodie proofing my yarn. Pink of course to support Breast Cancer research, ( I do this always in loving memory of my mom). The Fibersphere comes in two sizes, they only had the 5 inch at the Market or I would have bought both.

Kelp and I both bought a kit from Philosophers Wool. I have been waiting for two years for them. Last year Fed Ex screwed up their shipment and sent it back to Canada instead of to Rosemont and when I made a beeline for their booth, it was very empty. I had spent some time talking to Eugene two years ago (he is an amazing knitter) and this year to Ann, who helped us choose our colorways. Kelpys kit has a huge shawl pattern as well as a crop top sweater.

We spent a good part of the evening winding the skeins from days purchases. Here is my future jacket and wrap from Philosophers Wool.

Kelpy found herself a GoKnit Pouch like mine, and we found they come in larger sizes now too.

And of course I had to buy some pretty yarn for no particular reason except that I liked it. That particular skein has 2500 yards of cobwebby lace took forever to wind it. Not a clue what I am going to make with it.

I met ChelseasMom working a booth (don't ask me which one) and we talked some about the never ending Vertigo scarf. She reminded me that sleep is over-rated. But when it came right down to it, I just could not pick up that scarf again knowing there was no hope of finishing it time. She was the only one that identified herself as a Ravelry member that I met.

Kelpy and I were disappointed overall in the Market this year. On Saturday there were not as many demos going on and the quantity of goods seemed much smaller. There were a number of vendors that were not present this year. I don't know it had to do with transportation costs since that is much higher this year or what. People I had looked forward to seeing again were not there this year. We missed the book signing too from Debbie Macomber by just minutes according to the sign. Last year I spent $300 on goodies this year I didn't even spend $200. There just didn't seem as much exciting stuff to pick from. Last year was waaay more fun!


Dawn said...

Sounds like you had a great time...and some good finds!:) I'll have to go to one of these sometime!

The scarf is still sooo pretty but oh my gosh it looks hard and time consuming! Great job!

Dawn said...

You really got pretty darn far on that scarf!! I'm very proud of you! :) You're still a champ! That made me dizzy just looking at it, nevermind trying to knit it!

I bet it was the high cost of gas and travelling now that maybe slowed down the event. It's just getting too expensive to go anywhere anymore. At least you got a few goodies to make it fun! I think the yarn protection from Brodie is a MUST! LOL!

That cobwebby stuff looks beautiful, what are you going to make? I got palpatations looking at all those cakes of yarn wound still my heart....

Dawn said...

I know you just don't have enough to do with your crazy schedule and all (heehee) so I tagged you for two meme's on my blog. :) Just for funsies!!!

It's all Anna's fault. She made me do it. ;O)

Teena in Toronto said...

I've been making dish cloths lately.

Happy blogoversary!

NatRed2 said...

Hi Teena - Thank you!! And thank you for stoppong by. Don't you just love the hand made dishcloths? It almost makes me want to do all my dishes by hand.

Aim said...

Your Vertigo scarf is looking fantastic!!!

NatRed2 said...

Thanks Aim! I have since put it by the wayside for a while, but I will finish. I just don't feel the pressure any more. Phew...that was intense. I will know better for next time.

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