I had a nice family impromptu dinner with my brother and his family Monday night ( it pays to show up around dinner time.)
My brother is inflicted with the same disease (diabetes) I have ( infact I blame him for mine), so I was none too happy to find out he had been power washing his fence and had not eaten all day. Of course he felt like crap!!! Duh!! And of course I scolded him....every four hours we need to eat to keep our glucose balanced, and to watch what we eat, which he doesn't. He always looks at me funny when I scold him, probably because I am the much younger baby sister and he isn't used to it...hehe
Little Brodie went with me naturally, big brother has a fenced in yard where he can play to his hearts content. that is when his older cousin Charlie is not growling and chasing him. Charlie is such a sweet dog that I cannot fathom why he doesn't like Brodie, but after a while they are fine together. I should have taken a picture of them but it is hard to take a picture of a puppy constantaly hiding behind you.
Tuesday the kids came over for a visit. Sarah got herself a little car and now has transport. I have been watching the papers to help them find a place closer to me :)
I told them no more of this living out in the sticks where Jesus lost his sandals. I much prefer the 10 minute ride to their house rather than the drive to the ends of the earth trip they subject me to.
Wednesday I didn't do squat! Read a couple of steamy books, and not much else than that was going on besides that.
I guess time tends to slip away when one is immersed in a good book set in a far away land ;)
The rest of my days were spent working... and don't ask me what I did all last week because I think all I did was read and more work of course...boring! I did not even realize I had not posted anything until I was yelled at. I haven't been sick, just lost in another time and place...LOL
Here is a cool tidbit... well to me not so much of a tidbit. Most people who know me, know that I like rocks. I have a small collection of rocks, (small bolders some of them) so when I saw this on Yahoo News... I was pretty excited about it!

That is amazing! It was found on the eastern shores of Hudson Bay. I have a chunk of Canada in my house and it is the color of the darker portion of that rock, but I am pretty sure it is not nearly as old. Boy what I would give to just touch that rock... Could you imagine owning a piece of that rock?
Dawn awarded me with this prize. Thank you!! I needed this to remind me that I was not just talking to myself ;) Blog awards are ever-so-much fun.
Here are the rules:
If you've already received the award, great! That means you really, really deserve it! And feel free to pass it on again!
1) Add the logo of the award to your blog
2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs!
Here are my nominations:
Irish Eyes
Kelp Knits
Bumpy Doink
Knit and Tonic
Irish Girlie Knits
Two Black Sheep
I decided it would be cheating to tag people Dawn already tagged, so here is a semi fresh batch of other blogs I love.
Wowser, thanks for the nice mention! I appreciate that you read my blog and consider it good enough to give an award to :)
Didn't know your a diabetic...type 1 or 2? My hubby is insulin dependent since age 9 and my dad is type 2 too. Wanted to give you this award but Dawn already nominated you!:) Have a wonderful weekend!
p.s.--I really love the ancient rock story and photo! We just found a piece of petrified wood in our basement. A big chunk. And the silly thing is, we don't recall if it's ours or if it has been in that hiding spot amongst the ceiling beams for 15 years!!! So silly, but I don't imagine the previous owners were rockhounds like us!
Aim...LOL that is so funny! I remember going to the Petrified Forest with my Uncle and almost got arrested for picking up a little piece of petrified wood.
Dawn, I am Type 2..the "you did not live such a healthy lifestyle" kind. That is why I have some not so good days.
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