Sunday, September 16, 2007

Alpaca Heaven

Seriously... I told you I had been busy!
In between working a bizillion hours of overtime, some extreme dizziness to boot, I have also managed to squeeze in some important knitting time.

Six bags full of natural alpaca yarn from BarmiksHummers

What could be better than that?!?!

Barb has a total of (lucky) 13 Alpacas now I think and this yarn came from the first 6 of them. First time it has ever been spun!

Each bag contains undyed natural yarn from each animal. Each skein (having been wound first) is being knit into a 14 ish inch square, a different pattern for each square, and will be sewn together to form a wall hanging that Barb will be able to display. I plan to stitch each animals name on the squares (accordingly).

1 comment:

ruthalpacaheaven said...

I have a farm in Michigan called Alpaca Heaven. These are the most gorgeous creatures I have ever farmed and certainly the most rewarding fiber I have used in 50 years of spinning. Long live alpaca!!

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