Friday, December 07, 2007

A little Poll fo you.

I was on Knitters Review Forum the other day, and there was a discussion about how comments should be answered. The answers seemed to be pretty varied. What is the proper protocol for answering comments. Do people want their comments emailed to them? answered back on a comment? Or maybe they just don't care. Do people really go back and look at the comments to see if they have been answered. I know that you can subscribe to a comment, but there just seems like there should be a better way of going about it.

I am not very consistent in how I answer but I always try to answer some one who is kind enough to comment. (I love getting comments by the way so feel free).

So I thought I would place a poll on the side bar get the general opinion of how you would like to see comments answered back.

Feel free to leave a comment explaining your poll answer.

Happy polling!


Dawn said...

I've seen this discussion on Ravelry too (it goes on and on and on). To me it's not a big deal. I read comments, my own and others, so actually I think I prefer the comments section. Blogging is still relatively new to me, but I'm okay with how I do things now.

Anonymous said...

I usually will reply to comments via e-mail. If no e-mail is available I will respond in the comments section.

I don't usually re-visit a blog to read follow up comments.

Oh, you have won the 25 Things for Charity contest. I sent you an e-mail. If you don't get it contact me via the blog in the comments section. Congrats and thanks for your great post.

Monica_Kun said...

Hi jeanne,
Very Refreshing post :) I also saw this question on the KnittyBoard forum.

-I answer comments by sending an email to them.

- I also answer on the blog with a comment

- and I leave a comment on a post in their blog, (I think it's only fair)

I like it when a blogger replies to my comment by email :) By the way, I voted 'answer in an email' in your sidebar poll.

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