Moving forward, a couple more projects I completed while I was MIA.
Katy Scarf was a kit I purchased last year at Stitches, started and put away because it is beaded and beads get heavy to work with and I got lazy. On this one the beads had to be strung onto ribbon yarn. Of course I was constantly pushing the beads back because obviously, you use more beads than yarn.. low and behold...then damn yarn broke. So it sat for quite a while NOT being worked on. I finally started the whole thing over because I also discovered a dropped stitch somewhere along the line...grrrr , then realized somewhere in the move...(yup that is how long this one has been in the works,) I lost half the directions.
This scarf should be called Calamity, not Katy! It all turned out in the end, after I figured out how to make the end of the scarf look like the beginning part, one would never know I lost part deux of the directions. Which I naturally found about two weeks after I finished the scarf! Go Figure!
Such beautiful finished projects. I've never been brave enough to work with ribbon yarn OR beads.
Oh man, I'd be weary of anything with RIBBON yarn and beads! You brave girl! LOVE LOVE LOVE the shawl!!! I gotta get my brain working again so I can tackle something that I won't screw up 5 million times! :P
Well Nancy, I do admit to liking the beaded projects but not so much on the ribbon yarn. I discovered that if you are misfortunate to drop a is gone!
Dawn...believe me, I do screw up my brojects a zillion times before getting it right...LOL
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