Journaling was the hardest part for me I think. I like my private thoughts to be private, so sometimes to put things down on paper is difficult. I sketched much of it out in super secret code only I would know and I did not really share those feelings throughout the journey.
But I think some of it came may have out in my yarns for all to see.
Here they are completed in pecking order:
Module One: The Call to Adventure.

Module Four: Meeting the Goddess
Module Five: The Boon
Module Six: Magic Flight
Module Seven: Master of Two Worlds and the Freedom to Live
And you can see I really like that bowl!
If I have a favorite I would have to say it is Module1 because I was breaking out of the mold. Or maybe Module 2 because I so struggled with those coils. Or maybe it's Module 3 because I managed to blend color to match a scenic photo that reminded me of Starved Rock back home. Or even Module 4 because of the challenge of layers. Then Module 5 would be a favorite because I let go of the hoarded fiber and worked the entire yarn on a drop spindle (spun mostly at work I think) and then dyed it. Module 6 Because I had two visions and then the buttons nailed it for me. Module 7 has to be a favorite because I used all my newly acquired skills to produce a Mary Poppins yarn (practically perfectly and balanced).
Or maybe it really has to be Module 8 which holds them all.
Module Eight: Imparting Wisdom
I began with a little gold in the warp and for the center of the shield.
I began weaving with Module One and wove in succession
And here she golden fleece! It took just over a year but I made it! Loaded with blood, sweat and tears...and texture.
I just want to say thank you to Suzy/ WoolWench and Arlene /Spin Artiste for taking me on this wonderful journey, I can't wait to hang the certificate next to my shield!