...and that.
I decided to dress up my deck a little bit this year. I bought four fuchsia hanging baskets to last weekend, and made myself and herb planter to sit on the table out there. Of course there is a dual purpose for the herbs naturally. Not only will they smell nice but hopefully keep me in enough fresh snips from time to time. Maybe I will have some to dry.
And the fuchsia to hang from the rail on the deck. But it is always so windy out there I may have to move them to the front of the house.
And HA! Guess what Mark...I was right, I think it looks terrific, in spite of the fact that I am clearly not the most talented painter in the world. In fact, I downright suck at it. But I still love the room!! Not that I actually use this room. Naturally I had to go and buy too much house. Left over syndrome from living with Mark I guess...he always has to have the biggest and best.
So anyway Brodie’s room looks darn good to me! I’m thinking of moving all my craft crap, things down there. It has a nice big window for light. Next step- sew lace curtains.
I swear my socks are getting shorter and shorter... or am I getting lazier and lazier? But in any case here are the completed Faceted Rib Socks. (Rav link)
Let the good times roll!!!