Sunday, November 14, 2010

Whoops...there it is

Time flies when you're having fun!!! Frankly, I'm not even sure how time gets away from me most of the time! But there is it...I was MIA again.

It was craft show time so a little trip to Huntly with my SIL was in order for this amazing craft show at some old peoples Over 55 community. It was really quite amazing. This community center of theirs provided all kinds of activities for the, erm, retired? Any there was tons of unique pottery, some beautiful sewn items, very cleverly crafted items as well as the usual, knit and crochet stuff. Lots of old men crafting. Very interesting and fun day...topped with a trip to the outlet mall!

I realize Halloween (samhain for those Celtic folk) kinda came and went with no noticeable activity in my house. Usually Raine and I have a scary day date but this year my partner in ghoul had other plans...REALLY???
She had her own gruesome twosome this year-I guess that means my baby is growing up :(

Sarah did carve a jack for me and Brodie -complete with candle and cinnamon :)
And she did send this picture to me on my prove that my girl was in the zone...( oh I really didn't mean to rhyme) and it did scare the bejeezes out of me when it popped up on the screen. ( I wasn't expected...OK)

A special project, this brown and pink baby blanket made to order. My SIL needed a gift for one of the gals at her school and she had "colors". This is my favorite baby gift pattern, however I usually prefer to do it in baby yarn. This one was done in Vanna's Choice since I couldn't find her colors in baby yarn. Still I am happy with how it turned out and the recipient was excited.

I finally finished this one up has been on the needles since...Feb 2009??? Ended up going to Sarahs friend who just had a baby.

Selfish knitting alert!
This scarf is for ME! I know, not exactly a news flash is it. Gathered Scarf fun and easy knit. I made it from a beautiful natural alpaca I picked up at Stitches Midwest this year. New Era Fiber's out of Tennessee, Dawn. I really enjoyed chatting with them when I was at Stitches too. It was a little on the pricey side but well worth it! I got the scarf, and also completed a headband ( no pic yet) and I think I should have enough for some fingerless too (maybe).

I have been working on Traveling Women but I am struggling for some reason with Chart B. *shrug*. I only have 5 or 6 rows and I am done... soon..I promise. In the meatime - or rather in between times, I sneak in a few rows on the shawl that Raine wants.
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